Statute YSC

The Young Scientists Council (YSC) of Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre (PSBC) SAS is an organization covering PhD students and young researchers who have up to 8 year practice in the field after defense of their dissertation (excluding time spent on parental leave).

The aim of YSC is to:

  • act as an advisory board for the managing, scientific, and advisory boards of PSBC SAS, presenting them the opinions of young scientists, mainly about the organizational changes and documents that may affect doctoral study and work of early-career researchers;
  • keep its members informed about important news, events, and available opportunities;
  • present a platform for sharing ideas, encouraging collaboration, and enhancing interpersonal relationships among young scientists;
  • participate in organizing events, mainly those focusing on young researchers and PhD students (e.g., the Young Scientists seminar at PSBC) or those popularizing doctoral study and the scientific disciplines covered by PSBC (e.g., Open Days at PSBC, European Researchers’ Night).

Newcoming PhD students and young researchers become members of YSC automatically upon beginning their study or employment at PSBC SAS. If desired, they may choose to renounce their membership upon request. Members of YSC elect a chairperson among themselves for a tenure of two years. During the election of candidates for chairpersonship, more than 50 % of all members must be present, and the candidate achieving the highest number of votes is elected if his/her election is supported by more than 50 % of participating members.

Chairperson of YSC:

  • is invited to meetings of the managing and scientific boards of PSBC SAS, in which (s)he presents opinions of the members of YSC and inquiries on their behalf;
  • Communicates with YSC members; collects information and news regarding the PhD study and work of young scientists and distributes them among members;
  • organizes meetings of YSC at least twice a year and coordinates activities organized by members of YSC;
  • is representative of YSC of PSBC communicating information at academy level or with other external organisations.

YSC has a quorum if more than 50 % of members, including the chairperson, are present. Proposals are decided by a vote, and a majority of positive votes from participating members are needed for their approval. The Chairperson of YSC can decide to vote in the form of a secret ballot if approved by a majority of participating members. If necessary, votes regarding some proposals may be done “per rollam”, i.e., outside the in-person meetings, via correspondence. In the case of objections by members of YSC, an online meeting must be held for such a vote, or the vote must be postponed to the next in-person meeting of YSC. The member who could be in a conflict of interest should abstain from a vote, and the quorum is reduced by one vote in this case.                

Approved on 22.5.2024 at the meeting of the Scientific board of the PSBC SAS.