
Department of Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University – Academic Year 2023/2024

Distribution of Green Peltigeras (Peltigera, Peltigeraceae, Lichenized Fungi) – Ecological Vicariants in Slovakia

The green Peltigeras (Peltigera Willd., Peltigeraceae) include two large macrolichens with a foliose thallus – the green dog lichen (P. aphthosa) and the apple dog lichen (P. leucophlebia). They grow on oligotrophic soil and humus. These are symbiotic organisms that are tripartite. In addition to the two major components – the mycobiont and the photobiont from the group of green algae – they also contain cyanobacteria (representatives of the genus Nostoc), which live in specialized structures called cephalodia. Thanks to cyanobacteria and their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, these lichens can thrive in nutrient-poor habitats.

These species are ecological vicariants – P. aphthosa occurs on acidophilic substrates, while P. leucophlebia is found on basic ones. In the past, however, they were often misidentified. Since these species are among the rarer ones in Slovakia (Red List of Lichens of Slovakia), it is essential to have accurate distribution data.


  • Clarify the differences in ecological requirements and distribution of the two green Peltigera species in Slovakia.
  • Utilize occurrence data to model species distribution in Slovakia both in the present and in the future, which may improve field research efficiency and refine predictions of species occurrence over time (depending on the number of recorded presence points).

Acquired Skills

  • Revision of specimens in collections and herbaria in Slovakia and potentially abroad.
  • Field research to supplement occurrence data.
  • Familiarization with the process of preparing “habitat suitability maps.”


Mgr. Anna Bérešová, PhD.
Plant Biology and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Specialist Supervisor

RNDr. Dušan Senko, PhD.
Plant Biology and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences