Local Adaptation Genetics: A Practical Guide for Beginners and Intermediates

September 6-7, 2024, Bratislava

Magdalena Bohutínská (Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern)
Jozef Šibík (Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre SAS)

Course Description
Adaptation research is fascinating from an evolutionary biology perspective, but it also has applications in many other fields, such as ecology, conservation, and agriculture. The aim of this course is to introduce several approaches to studying local adaptation from a genetic perspective. With the help of real data, we will discuss the possibilities of designing such research, what data can be obtained from it, and how to analyze it. The course will be as practical as possible, and we will work with freely available programs.

Preliminary Program
Day 1: Introduction to participants and their projects, introduction to forward and reverse genetics approaches, detection of adaptation signals in the genome
Day 2: Genetic mapping of adaptive traits, association of genotypes with environmental conditions, interpretation of results, and summary

What you will take away from the course

  • Ability to analyze genetic and genomic data using different tools and approaches
  • R scripts that can be useful for this
  • Insight into the possibilities of using such approaches in your own research

Practical Information

  • The course can be conducted in Czech or English
  • Ideal number of participants: 3-15
  • The course will be for 2 days, attendance is important on both days
  • Refreshments will be provided during the course

The course is FREE thanks to funding from the Diversity and Global Connections Grants, University of Bern

Registration by August 16, 2024 here: https://forms.gle/yE6itzrVQkDqaCHs8