International memberships
- Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF)
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
- Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) Convention on Biological Diversity – National Focal Point
- International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
International cooperation
Project name | Financial source | Leader | Period |
G4B Grasslands for biodiversity: supporting the protection of the biodiversity-rich grasslands and related management practices in the Alps and Carpathians | Biodiversa+ European Biodiversity Partnership | Monika Janišová | 01.04.2023 – 31.03.2026 |
NaturaSat – software for exploring Natura 2000 habitats by satellite data ESA-IPL-PTS-PECS-LE-2020-160 | European Space Agency | Mária Šibíková | 1.10.2020 -30.9.2022 |
NaturaSat – software for exploring Natura 2000 habitats by satellite dat 4000133101/20/NL/SC | European Space Agency | Mária Šibíková | xxxx |
NaturaSat – software for exploring Natura 2000 habitats by satellite data ESA-IPL-PTS-PECS-LE-2020-160 | European Space Agency | Mária Šibíková | 1.10.2020 -30.9.2022 |
Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian region | Millenium Seed Bank Partnership | Jaromír Kučera | 1. 1.2019 – 30.6.2022 |
Distributed System of Scientific Collections – Preparatory Phase Project 871043 | Horizont 2020 | Karol Marhold | 1.2.2020 – 31.1.2023 |
Evolutionary legacy of the Turkish flora and its influence on formation of the European plant diversity: Evidence from genome to ecology 475542 | JRP | Karol Marhold | 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2024 |
Restoration of sterlet populations in the Austrian Danube LIFE14 NAT/AT/000057 | LIFE | Ladislav Pekárik | 1.1.2015 – 30.6.2022 |
Tracking the effects of the whole-genome multiplication on clonal reproduction in plants Mob-Open-05-20 | Mobility Open | Barbora Šingliarová | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022 |
Comparative ecology of selected invasive fish species in Slovakia and Serbia in respect with climate change and human disturbance APVV-SK-SRB-18-0069 | APVV | Ladislav Pekárik | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021 |
Plant-microbial interaction in the light of responses to toxic orpotentially toxic metals, metalloids and silicon APVV SK-PL-18-0078 | APVV | Marek Vaculík | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021 |
Software tools for monitoring NATURA 2000 habitats by satellite images ESA No. 4000122575/17/NL/SC | European Space Agency | Mária Šibíková | 01. 12. 2017 – 30. 11. 2019 |
Systematic analysis of the Arabidopsis SYT3 gene APVV SK-CN-2017-0015 | APVV | Ján Jásik | 01. 01. 2018 – 31. 12. 2019 |
Contribution of IB SAS to the international project Millenium Seed Bank | Millenium Seed Bank Partnership | Jaromír Kučera | 01. 01. 2007 – 31. 12. 2020 |
A next generation plant biostimulant based on strigolactones included into stimuli responsive nanoformulation | Horizont 2020 | Radoslava Matúšová | 01. 01. 2018 – 31. 12. 2019 |
Study of the dynamic behaviour of SnRK1.1 by advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques in planta S/ARG 17-02 | ICGEB | Ján Jásik | 01. 01. 2018 – 30. 06. 2018 |
Plant adaptation to heavy metal and radioactive pollution 612587 | 7FP | Martin Hajduch | 1.1.2014 – 31.10.2017 |
EU-BON – Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network 308454 | 7FP | Karol Marhold | 1.12.2012 – 31.5.2017 |
Disentangling evolutionary relationships across morphologically and ecologically diverse lichen genus Solenopsora APVV SK-PT-20150027 | APVV | Anna Bérešová | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
Cryptic refugia and diversification patterns of aquatic invertebrates in the Western Carpathians APVV-SK-PL-2015-0042 | APVV | Fedor Čiampor | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
Chitinases and AGPs as proteins diversifying genotypes with high ability to microspore embryogenesis from non-embryogenic in crops APVV-SK-PL2015-0044 | APVV | Jana Moravčíková | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
Microhabitat use of sexual and Conal forms of loach fishes of the genus Cobitis (Cypriniformes) in Odra and Danube River basins APVV-SK-PL-2015-0049 | APVV | Ladislav Pekárik | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
Organization of international research events
Date, Venue | Event Name | Website | Organizer for PSBC |
09.05.-13.05.2022, Bratislava | 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey: Plant communities in changing environment/30. konferencia pracovnej skupiny European Vegetation Survey: Rastlinné spoločenstvá v meniacom sa prostredí | | Jozef Šibík |
12.06.- 16.06.2022, Vysoké Tatry – Horný Smokovec | Root Structure and Function/Štruktúra a funkcia koreňa | Viktor Demko, Ivana Fialová, Ján Jásik, Marek Vaculík | |
20.06.- 24.06.2022, Bratislava – Devín | 19th Conference of Slovak Limnological Society and Czech Limnological Society/IX. Konferencia Slovenskej limnologickej spoločnosti a České limnologické společnosti | Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, | |
11.11.-13.11.2022, Skalica-Zlatnícka dolina | Biosystematic meeting /Biosystematické setkání | Miroslav Caboň | |
02.10.-08.10.2022, Jaca | International Russulales Workshop 2022 | Slavomír Adamčík | |
06.04.-08.04.2022, Bratislava | RIPA-1: Prvá medzinárodná konferencia o vede a manažmente príbrežných ekosystémov | | Jozef Šibík |
09.03.-11.03.2021, online | 1. medzinárodná konferencia DNAQUA | Fedor Čiampor | |
03. 02. – 05. 02. 2020, Bratislava | DNAqua-Net workshop | Fedor Čiampor, Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová. | |
30. 11. – 01. 12. 2019, Praha | Botanické sbírky a databáze a jejich využití ve výzkumu a praxi | Jozef Šibík | |
19. 08. – 22. 08. 2019, Stará Lesná | 6. česko-slovenská mykologická konferencia | ||
21. 05. – 21. 05. 2019, Arkhangelsk | Workshop on Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning – moving forward with the Arctic Vegetation Archive | Jozef Šibík | |
16. 11. – 16. 11. 2018, Bratislava | MOBILISE – Mobilizácia dát, pravidiel a expertov vo vedeckých zbierkach | Karol Marhold | |
14. 11. – 15. 11. 2018, Bratislava | Rokovanie zástupcov európskych taxonomických inštitúcií združených v konzorciu CETAF | Karol Marhold | |
09. 11. – 11. 11.2 018, Senica | Biosystematické stretnutie / Biosystematic Meeting | Miroslav Caboň, Eliška Gbúrová Štubňová, Michaela Vrbová | |
16. 09. – 18. 09. 2018, Smolenice | Biotechnológie a kvalita surovín a potravín | Alena Gajdošová, Gabriela Libiaková | |
26. 08. – 01. 09. 2018, Borgsjö | International Russulales Workshop 2018 | Slavomír Adamčík | |
24. 02. – 28. 02. 2018, Banská Bystrica | Russula workshop on microscopy “Quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language” | Slavomír Adamčík, Miroslav Caboň, Katarína Skokanová | |
14. 02. -16. 02. 2018, Bratislava | Workshop Karpatskej výskumnej siete | Marek Slovák, Jaromír Kučera, Eliška Gbúrová Štubňová, Jozef Šibík | |
25.11.-26.11.2017, Praha | Ekologie a evoluce rostlin na antropogenních stanovištích střední Evropy, konferencia | Jana Podroužková Medvecká | |
20.09.-27.09.2017, Kaluža | British Mycological Society Foray | Slavomír Adamčík, Miroslav Caboň | |
07.09.-08.09.2017, Bratislava | 14. študentská konferencia experimentálnej rastlinnej fyziológie | Marek Vaculík | |
10.07.-13.07.2017. Cluj-Napoca | Kurz metód uchovávania semien | Jaromír Kučera, Marek Slovák, Eliška Gbúrová Štubňová | |
30.03.-31.03.2017, Praha | Arctic Vegetation Archive and Classification Workshop | Jozef Šibík | |
20.07.-22.07.2016, Nitra | Workshop WG2 a WG4 – COST FA 1206: Ekologické implikácie strigolaktónov | Radoslava Matúšová | |
04.09.-08.09.2016, Bratislava | 2. svetový kongres INPPO a COST FA1306: Hľadanie tolerantných odrôd – fenotypovanie na úrovni rastliny a bunky | Martin Hajduch |
Mobility – internationalization
Stays of PSBC SAS staff abroad
Name | Institution | Period | Financial Support |
Jozef Šibík, Mária Šibíková | University of Northern Colorado, Dr Scott Franklin; Výskum v Európe inváznych druhov v ich pôvodnom areáli rozšírenia | Jul 2022 | |
Miroslav Caboň | Laboratoř environmentální mikrobiologie, Mikrobiologický ústav AVČR: Effect assessment of various grassland managements on community structure and trophic level of soil mycobiota | Nov-Dec 2021 | FEMS-GO-2019-585 |
Alexandra Lešková | UMR BPMP Research Centre National Institute of Agricultural Research, Montpellier | 2019 | Post-doc pobyt |
Zuzana Fačkovcová | Department of Life Sciences, University of Siena, Resistance and adaptation of lichens on stress induced by heavy metals | Sep – Dec 2019 | Študijný pobyt, grant Univerzity v Siene |
Miroslav Krausko | EMBL Advanced training center, Heidelberg | 2019 | |
Jozef Šibík | University of Alaska, Fairbanks | 2019 | |
Marek Šlenker | Katedra botaniky, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK Praha | 2019 | |
Košuthová Alica | Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Collemataceae och Placynthiaceae i Sverige (Svenska artprojektet) | 2017 – 2019 | STI – Swedish Taxonomy Initiative, drn 2016-207 4.3 |
Petra Mikušová | Center for Analytical Chemistry, Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln) University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Tulln | Sep-Dec 2018 | Akcia Rakúsko – Slovensko |
Veronika Lancíková | Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri – Columbia: plant metabolism and regulation of de novo fatty acid synthesis with the emphasis on transcriptional regulation of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis | Aug 2016 – Aug 2017 | Postdoctoral fellowship contract |
Veronika Lancíková | Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri – Columbia: phosphoproteome analysis of Brassica napus seed under light/dark regulation using mass spectrometry | Mar – Sep 2015 | National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic |
Stays of foreign colleagues at our workplace
Name and surname | Topic and host | Institution | Period | Financial support |
Susana Villa Laschutza | Phylogeny of genus Camarophyllopsis, Slavomír Adamčík | Universita de Vigo, Španielsko | Nov-Dec 2022 | Erasmus student mobility for traineeships |
Junaid Khan | Morphological and phylogenetical analysis of Pakistanian Russula species, Slavomír Adamčík | University of Swat, Pakistan | Apr – Jun 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Chance Noffsinger | Evolution and phylogeny of boreal Russula species, Slavomír Adamčík | University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA | Mar 2022 | National Science Foundation grant DEB-2030779 |
Anastasiia Shukh | Biodiverzita a ekológia vodných ekosystémov, Ladislav Pekárik | I.I.Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine | Oct-Dec 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Luca Paoli | Ecologically relevant threatened lichens: focus on ionomic signatures, diversity of rare accompanying species and habitat features in the Western Carpathians, Anna Bérešová | Universita di Pisa | Apr-Aug 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Thiago Polizei | Biodiverzita a ekológia vodných ekosystémov, Fedor Čiampor | Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazília | ||
Gyan Singh Shekhawat | Delineation of the role of AtSYT1 in the salt stress response. Ján Jásik | Department of Botany Jai Narain Vyas University, India | Oct – Dec 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Muhamed Adem Munie | Transcriptome profiling of adventitious root induction in Arabidopsis thin stem disks, Ján Jásik | Madda Walabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia | Oct – Dec 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Beloslava Genova | Impact of poplar plantations on natural riparian forests: a large-scale comparison across Europe; Jozef Šibík | Plovdiv University ‘Paisii Hilendarski’, Faculty of Biology, Plovdiv | Jan – May 2022 | Erasmus+ |
Hüseyin Demirci | Využitie techník in vitro pre regeneráciu druhov rodu Hypericum s cieľom produkcie biologicky aktívnych a zdraviu prospešných špeciálnych metabolitov, Terézia Salaj | Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops | Jan – Oct 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Teresa Hazubska-Przybyl | Kryoprezervácia embryogénnych pletív borovice čiernej použitím metódy pomalého zmrazovania, Terézia Sala | Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Dendrology, Kornik | 2022 (5 dní) | MAD SAV |
Seyedeh Fatemeh Fallah | A proteomic study of walnut kernels during controlled deterioration and natural aging, Maksym Danchenko | Golestan University, Department of Biology, Gorgan | Jan – Jul 2022 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Valerii Darmostuk | Mediterranean dwelling lichens and their dwellers: focus on diversity of lichenicolous fungi and eventual patterns, Anna Bérešová | University of Kherson | Jun – Oct 2021 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Dmytro Ganzha | Exploring patterns of protein carbonylation in leaves of common reed from Chernobyl zone, Maksym Danchenko | Department of Aquatic Radioecology, Institute of Hydrobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv | Jun – Oct 2021 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Olena Nesterenko | Effects of stress factors on prion-like proteins synthesis in plants, Maksym Danchenko | Department of Biophysics and Radiobiology, Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv | Oct – Nov 2021 | Národná výskumná nadácia Ukrajiny |
Seyedeh Fatemeh Fallah | A proteomic study of walnut kernels during controlled deterioration and natural aging, Maksym Danchenko | Department of Biology, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran | Dec 2021 | Iránske vládne štipendium |
Munazza Kiran | Systematics of genus Dermoloma, Slavomír Adamčík | Fungal Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Departnent of Botany University of Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan. | Feb – Jul 2020 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Benjamin Avis | Phylogeny of North American foetid Russulas, Slavomír Adamčík | Indiana University Northwest, Indiana, USA | Feb – Mar 2020 | Indiana University Northwest, Indiana, USA |
Michelle Vera Castellanos | Diversification of ectomycorrhizal Russula species along the Isthmus of Panama, Slavomír Adamčík | Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá | Jun 2019 | IAPT Research Grant |
Felix Hampe | Phylogeny of Russula sect. Roseinae in Panama, Slavomír Adamčík | Mykologe & Pilzsachverständiger der DGfM und ThAM Fachgebiet Russulaceae | Dec 2019 | |
Cathrin Manz | Phylogeny of Russula sect. Roseinae in Panama, Slavomír Adamčík | Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | Dec 2019 | |
Ruben de Lange | Analysis of pileipellis structure and chemical reactions of microscopic elements in Russula albonigra lineage, Slavomír Adamčík | Dpt. of Biology, Ghent University, Belgicko | Dec 2019 | |
Munazza Kiran | Systematics of Russula from Pakistan, Slavomír Adamčík | University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan | Apr – May 2019 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) |
Nicolás Ernesto Blanco | Ján Jásik | CEFOBI – Centre of Photosythetic and Biochemical Studies, Faculty of Biochemical Science and Pharmacy, Rosario National University, Santa Fe, Argentina & Institute of Botany, Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre SAS | 180 dní, 2018 | Arturo Falaschi Smart Fellowship |
Roman Kish | Užhorodská národná univerzita, Užhorod | 6 mesačný pobyt, 2018 | Národný štipendijný program Slovenskej republiky (SAIA) | |
Gareth W. Griffith | Laboratórium Molekulárnej Ekológie a Mykológie, Slavomír Adamčík | Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK | 2018 | |
Ruben De Lange | Analysis of pileipellis structure and chemical reactions of microscopic elements in Russula albonigra lineage, Slavomír Adamčík | Dpt. of Biology, Ghent University, Belgicko | 2018 | |
Maryna Kryvohyzha | 60 dní 2017 | |||
Namyk Rashydov | 60 dní 2017 | |||
Olya Yaroshko | 90 dní 2017 | |||
Marijna Georgieva | 220 dní 2016 | |||
Barbara Jurzyck | 90 dní | |||
Ewa Pociecha | 60 dní | |||
Namyk Rashydov | 70 dní | |||
Natalia Kutsokon | 71 dní | |||
Natalia Levchyk | 60 dní | |||
Olena Klimenko | 85 dní | |||
Olena Nesterenko | 81 dní |