International projects

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Boat to rescue four Danube sturgeon species from extinction
Duration:1. 9. 2022 - 28. 2. 2030
Evidence number:D23-54/2023 LIFE21-NAT-AT-LIFE-Boat-4-Sturgeon/101074146
Project leader:Mgr. Pekárik Ladislav, PhD.
Partner countries:Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine
PANGEOS - Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science
Duration:6. 11. 2023 - 5. 11. 2027
Evidence number:CA22136
Project leader:RNDr. Galgóci Martin, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Mgr. Jurčík Ján, PhD., Mgr. Klobučník Miroslav, PhD., RNDr. Kormuťák Andrej, DrSc.
Annotation:The sustainability of Europe’s green resources are threatened by climate change associated environmental changes. Agricultural systems and forests are among the ecosystems mostly interlinked with human health and wellbeing due to the socio-economic services they provide. Whether heat, drought, extreme weather, or biotic stressors, conventional agriculture and forestry today is unprepared for future climate scenarios, rising populations, changing consumption habits, and traditional management practices need re-thinking. The objectives set by PANGEOS are developed in the wake of the European Green Deal strategic goals. For agriculture, these include ensuring food security in the face of climate change, strengthening the EU food system’s resilience and reducing the environmental and climate footprint of the EU agricultural sector towards a competitive and sustainable use and management of resources. For forestry, these span the protection, restoration and enlargement of the EU’s forests to combat climate change, reversing biodiversity loss and ensuring resilient and multifunctional forest ecosystems. To support these goals, PANGEOS aims to leverage state-of-the-art remote sensing (RS) technologies to advance field phenotyping workflows, precision agriculture/forestry practices and larger-scale operational assessments for a more sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources. We propose to bridge the gap between state-of-the-art technologies and applied sciences, to directly serve and inform academics, Young Researchers and Innovators, Inclusiveness Target Countries and Near Neighbor Countries, end-users (e.g., farmers, foresters), and stakeholders in industry and policy-makers by bringing together RS experts and applications in (1) Field Phenotyping, (2) Precision and Regenerative Agriculture, (3) Sustainable Land Management of Complex European landscapes, and (4) Uncertainty Analysis and Standardization.
Partner countries:Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
E-NICHE - European Network In CHEmical Ecology: translating the language of life into sustainability
Duration:6. 10. 2023 - 5. 10. 2027
Evidence number:CA22102
Project leader:RNDr. Matúšová Radoslava, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Mgr. Danchenko Maksym, PhD., Kryvokhyzha Maryna, PhD.
Annotation:E-NICHE will help unify the different branches of chemical ecology (CE) by bringing together researchers who study natural compounds that can act as semiochemicals (i.e., communication signals). At present, collaborations among these researchers are limited because CE is an extremely fragmented field. E-NICHE will foster partnerships between (a) scientists studying aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; (b) natural products chemists, biochemists, and ecologists; (c) vertebrate biologists and entomologists; (d) plant and animal biologists; (e) zoologists and molecular biologists; and (f) neurobiologists and microbiologists. Their interactions will generate original ideas and perspectives while simultaneously meeting societal needs, a challenge that involves the creation of new chemical formulations, novel molecules, and innovative applications for natural compounds. This work will be nourished by a deeper understanding of the living world through the lens of chemical mediation, the main system of biological communication. It will also aim to prevent the loss of the chemical biodiversity found in nature, under threat because of global changes. Consequently, E-NICHE’s overarching objective is to establish a strong, extended European CE network that catalyses international, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral exchanges with a view to building knowledge and intergenerational sustainable development solutions. Via the new network created by E-NICHE, researchers will broaden their breadth of knowledge, define new research directions, and transform their discoveries into pioneering solutions.
Partner countries:Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Moldova, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:
RECROP - Reproductive Enhancement of CROP resilience to extreme climate
Duration:4. 10. 2023 - 3. 10. 2027
Evidence number:CA22157
Project leader:Mgr. Lakhneko Olha, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Mgr. Danchenko Maksym, PhD., MSc. Kale Rohan Arjun, Kryvokhyzha Maryna, PhD., MSc. Mishra Shubhi
Annotation:Climate change is a threat for food security as extreme weather phenomena will reduce the yield of all major crops. Grain and fruit crops which consist the core of human diet are particularly vulnerable due to the sensitivity of sexual reproduction process to abiotic stresses. Consequently, there is an urgent need to generate elite varieties with enhanced reproductive stress resilience. RECROP (Reproductive Enhancement of CROP resilience to extreme climate) is a team of agronomists, physiologists, geneticists, biologists, bioinformaticians and researchers from the field of Machine Learning from public organizations and private sector which will use holistic approaches to understand the grounds of crop sensitivity and design solutions for yield stimulation in the era of climate change. RECROP aims to: (1) Identify the genetic, molecular, and physiological makeup of the sensitivity of crop reproduction, (2) Create a roadmap for the generation of resilient crops, and (3) Provide guidelines of exogenous treatments to increase resilience in a sustainable manner and push the limits of the genetically inherited stress tolerance. The aims will be fulfilled by four Working Groups (WGs) which in addition to research discussions will organize training schools, workshops, conferences, and dissemination activities. RECROP will actively support Early Stage Career researchers through training and networking and support interactions with Near Neighbouring and partner COST countries. RECROP members will be actively involved in building communication channels with Policy Makers to provide scientific advice and support them in scientific-based context of future policies on biotechnology, technology and agriculture sectors.
Partner countries:Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Israel, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
SUSTAIN - Sustainable use of salt-affected lands
Duration:3. 10. 2023 - 2. 10. 2027
Evidence number:CA22144
Project leader:Mgr. Mistríková Veronika, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Ing. Hricová Andrea, PhD., Mgr. Hunková Júlia, PhD., MVDr. Kačírová Jana, PhD., Mgr. Lisinovičová Monika, Ing. Szabóová Monika, PhD.
Annotation:Salinisation, the accumulation of water-soluble salts in the soil, is one of the major causes of soil degradation affecting 833 million hectares of land and 1.5 billion inhabitants worldwide. However, these lands can be used by applying saline agriculture, involving soil, water and salt-tolerant crop management methods. Cultivation of salt-affected lands aids in addressing food and water security in the times of progressing climate change and population growth. As a result, there is an urgent need to create a network of research and practice and foster the sustainable use of salt-affected lands. This COST Action aims to build a global transdisciplinary network of scientific experts and engaged stakeholders in the field of salinity research in the context of food security, sustainability and the intensifying climate crisis. Our activities will focus on: (i) understanding responses to heterogeneous soil salinity and other combined stresses in the soil-rhizosphere-plant continuum; (ii) building a knowledge-base to improve water and soil management, and crop production on salt-affected lands; (iii) showcasing the total value of salt-affected lands and saline landscapes; (iv) connecting various stakeholders involved in saline agriculture; and (v) developing targeted policy frameworks for the proper salinisation management, bringing saline agriculture as a complementary component in the European food security agenda for coastal and inland salt-affected lands. Mutual knowledge exchange and sharing best practices will contribute to more sustainable use of salt-affected lands and enhance the resilience of the landscape as a whole.
Partner countries:Albania, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:
COPYTREE - European Network for Innovative Woody Plant Cloning
Duration:24. 10. 2022 - 23. 10. 2026
Evidence number:COST CA21157
Project leader:Mgr. Perniš Miroslav, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Mgr. Danchenko Maksym, PhD., Mgr. Klubicová Katarína, PhD., Mgr. Mravec Jozef, PhD., RNDr. Salaj Terézia, DrSc.
Annotation:In vitro culture of woody plants is leaving the academic laboratories and is now being developed in a range of commercial applications in horticulture and forestry that respond to the challenges of climate change and changing global food and wood consumption habits. It is therefore urgent that the research challenges, public acceptance, risk assessment and commercial application are confronted now in order to establish a well informed scientific community, policy makers and market place. This proposal concerns the following challenges, whose solution will have a significant scientific, social and economic impact: How can we overcome recalcitrance in a lot of woody plants? What are the best tools for diagnosis, sanitation and storing clean stocks? How can the production of elite clones be scaled up at a acceptable price? What are the real risks of this technology and how can the public be informed so that they appreciate and accept the applications ? How can foresters and landowners be persuaded to invest in planting poly-clonal forests? Taking these aspects into account, it seems more than urgent to us to set up a European network to connect the researchers involved from various domains, so that they can share innovations and develop new research strategies, assess the risks of the technology and improve communication with stakeholders and the general public.
Partner countries:Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
Project website:
SMILES - Enhancing Small-Medium IsLands resilience by securing the sustainability of Ecosystem Services
Duration:22. 9. 2022 - 21. 9. 2026
Evidence number:COST CA 21158
Project leader:RNDr. Šibík Jozef, PhD.
Grasslands for biodiversity: supporting the protection of the biodiversity-rich grasslands and related management practices in the Alps and Carpathians
Duration:1. 4. 2023 - 31. 3. 2026
Evidence number:Biodiversa2021-532
Program:Horizont Európa
Project leader:Mgr. Janišová Monika, PhD.
Partner countries:Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine
FULLRECO4US - Cross-border transfer and development of sustainable resource recovery strategies towards zero waste
Duration:28. 9. 2021 - 27. 9. 2025
Evidence number:COST CA20133
Project leader:Ing. Szabóová Monika, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Ing. Hricová Andrea, PhD., Mgr. Hunková Júlia, PhD.
Annotation:Waste is being generated as a result of population growth, industrialization, and improvement of human standard of living. In the absence of efficient waste management systems, waste ends in landfills and in the environment (through informal discharges) leading to pollution and to a linear economy. Due to increasing awareness of the deleterious effects on the environment and human health, policies are being gradually implemented to motivate a mindset shift from linear to circular (bio)economies and decouple economic growth from use of resources. Full waste recycling and valorization will play a crucial role in the establishment of sustainable circular (bio)economies. Although waste recycling and valorization strategies have started to be implemented across borders within Europe, their implementation level is not homogenous and harmonization is needed. FULLRECO4US is an answer to this need and will function as a discussion platform centred on holistic approaches to waste recycling and valorization, and on the development of new cross-border interdisciplinary and intersectoral networks. These networks, in turn, will cooperate in the development of feasible and environmentally-friendly resource recovery approaches that can be translated into, e.g., competitive research funding applications and contribute to building research and innovation capacity within Europe and beyond. FULLRECO4US will include a set of networking activities such as Short-Term Scientific Missions, Workshops, Conference and Symposium attendance, supported by Working Groups focused on genesis of holistic approaches for waste recycling and valorization, engagement of stakeholders, and on dissemination and communication of Action’s results to enhance impact, consensus, and harmonization of newly built strategies.
Partner countries:Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:
Distributed System of Scientific Collections Transition to ERIC Project; DiSSCo Transition) - HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Duration:1. 12. 2023 - 31. 5. 2025
Evidence number:101130121
Program:Horizont Európa
Project leader:prof. RNDr. Marhold Karol, DrSc.
Annotation:The Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) is a pan-European Research Infrastructure (RI) initiative. DiSSCo aims tobring together natural science collections from 175 museums, botanical gardens, universities and research institutes across 23 countriesin a distributed infrastructure that makes these collections physically and digitally open and accessible for all forms of research andinnovation. DiSSCo RI entered the ESFRI roadmap in 2018 and successfully concluded its Preparatory Phase in early 2023. The RI is nowtransitioning towards the constitution of its legal entity (an ERIC) and the start of its scaled-up construction (implementation) programme.The primary goal of the DiSSCo Transition Project is to ensure the seamless transition of the DiSSCo RI from its Preparatory Phase to theConstruction Phase (expected to start in 2025). In this transition period, the Project will address five objectives building on the outcomesof the Preparatory Phase project: 1) Advance the DiSSCo ERIC process and complete its policy framework, ensuring the smooth earlyphaseImplementation of DISSCo; 2) Engage & support DiSSCo National Nodes to strengthen national commitments; 3) Advance thedevelopment of core e-services to avoid the accumulation of technical debt before the start of the Implementation Phase; 4) Continueinternational collaboration on standards & best practices needed for the DiSSCo service provision; and 5) Continue supporting DiSSCoRI interim governance bodies and transition them to the DiSSCo ERIC formal governance. The Project’s impact will be measured againstthe increase in the RI\'s overall Implementation Readiness Level (IRL). More specifically, we will monitor its impact towards reachingthe required level of maturity in four of the five dimensions of the IRL that can benefit from further developments. These include theorganisational, financial, technological and data readiness levels.
Partner countries:Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom
Network on water-energy-food Nexus for a low-carbon economy in Europe and beyond
Duration:25. 5. 2021 - 24. 5. 2025
Evidence number:COST CA20138
Project leader:Ing. Szabóová Monika, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Ing. Hricová Andrea, PhD., Mgr. Mistríková Veronika, PhD.
Annotation:An international network of researchers is working with policymakers and the business sector to better understand how the water-energy-food Nexus fosters policy coherence in the domains of water, energy and food, supporting the transition towards a circular and low-carbon economy in Europe. Focus is on job creation, enhancing wellbeing and care for the environment. The Nexus concept is tested at different scales (i.e. local, regional, national, European), while the international dimension is explored through the involvement of international proposers. More Nexus-compliant practices are foreseen through a knowledge sharing hub at European level and beyond. Public-private initiatives pave the path for Nexus compliant practices, building on network members’ advice. NEXUSNET will deliver examples of nexus compliant decision making, and recommendations to best achieve them, to come-up with an overview of Good Nexus Practices in Europe (policy coherence, Nexus-compliant practices and more coherent nexus evaluations). Transdisciplinary approaches are adopted to test Nexus compliant practices with the involvement of relevant stakeholders, while interaction and engagement with current and finished Nexus-related projects will be pursued. Academic Nexus knowledge will be translated into practical and applicable knowledge for the private sector or policy makers. A series of intense knowledge transfer and dissemination actions are planned to ensure that the network will have a significant impact in Europe and beyond.
Partner countries:Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Duration:19. 1. 2023 - 19. 1. 2025
Evidence number:AO/1-11293/22/NL/SC
Program:European Space Agency (ESA)
Project leader:Mgr. Šibíková Mária, PhD.
Partner countries:Slovakia
Soil Biodiversit - The European Biodiversity Partnership - Sub-task 2.6.3 Pilot on soil biodiversity in protected, near natural forests
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:101052342
Program:Horizont Európa
Project leader:Mgr. Caboň Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation:Biodiversa+ is the new European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation and DG Environment) and was officially launched on 1 October 2021.Biodiversa+ is part of the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 that aims to put Europe’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030.The Partnership aims to connect science, policy and practise for transformative change. It currently gathers 80 research programmers and funders and environmental policy actors from 40 European and associated countries to work on 5 main objectives: (I)Plan and support research and innovation on biodiversity through a shared strategy, annual joint calls for research projects and capacity building activities , (II) Set up a network of harmonised schemes to improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe , (III) Contribute to high-end knowledge for deploying Nature-based Solutions and valuation of biodiversity in the private sector , (IV) Ensure efficient science-based support for policy-making and implementation in Europe, (V) Strengthen the relevance and impact of pan-European research on biodiversity in a global context.
Partner countries:Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Portugal, Slovakia, Turkey
Project website:
The European Biodiversity Partnership - IAS Subpilot
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:101052342
Program:Horizont Európa
Project leader:RNDr. Šingliarová Barbora, PhD.
Annotation:The species monitoring sub-pilot will consist of two modules. Module 1 focusing on plants and Module 2 focusing on insects. The main focus will be on invasive alien species, but additional emphasis will be put on the wider group of non-native species, whose impacts are not fully understood. This wider scope should prepare for the detection of future invasive alien species. Both modules employ image recognitions using computer vision and deep learning models for cost efficient and rapid detection of species of concern. These methods rely on training data of the species of concern to function effectively. Such data is available in GBIF as well as in pilot projects from Denmark (plants and insects) and France and Switzerland (plants), but additional data will be collected as part of this pilot program to ensure accurate detection models for the future. For module 1, there will be an effort to monitor both introduction and spread. In this way, the pilot program will be relevant in the context of introduction sites as well as for the collection of additional training data to improve image recognition models.
Partner countries:Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden
Project website:
PLANTMETALS - Trace metal metabolism in plants
Duration:8. 10. 2020 - 7. 10. 2024
Evidence number:COST CA19116
Project leader:doc. RNDr. Vaculík Marek, PhD.
Annotation:Many trace metals (TMs) (e.g. Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn) are essential for organisms as active centres of enzymes, as about one third of all proteins are metalloproteins. Therefore, TM homeostasis in plants is at the core of many challenges currently facing agriculture and human societies. Low TM bioavailability in many soil types of large world areas causes a reduction in crop production and diminishes nutritional value of food. Some essential TMs (e.g. Cu) have narrow beneficial concentration ranges, while others (e.g. Cd, Hg) are usually only toxic, and in many areas of the world metal toxicity is a severe agricultural and environmental problem. For environmental risk assessment and remediation, as well as improved agriculture (targeted fertilisation and breeding), the mechanisms of TM uptake, distribution, speciation, physiological use, deficiency, toxicity and detoxification need to be better understood. This Action aims at elucidating them by the combined expertise of researchers (physiologists, (bio)physicists, (bio)(geo)chemists, molecular geneticists, ecologists, agronomists and soil scientists). It furthermore aims at making this knowledge applicable to the needs of farmers and consumers, with input from companies for translating laboratory results into applied products. This shall be done by integrated scientific, communication and dissemination activities, pooling together our research efforts. Regular meetings within and between the workgroups of this COST Action, training workshops for young scientists, as well as by technology transfer meetings will be organised in cooperation with the partner companies within the Action, as well as producers and merchants of micronutrient fertilisers.
Partner countries:Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:
Unlocking Slovakia\'s Biodiversity Through Data Publishing
Duration:1. 10. 2023 - 30. 9. 2024
Evidence number:CESP2023-005
Project leader:prof. RNDr. Marhold Karol, DrSc.
Annotation:The proposed project aims to mobilize biodiversity data that has not yet been published in the GBIF. This data is currently scattered across different Universities, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), companies and NGOs, and is not easily accessible for use in research, conservation, and decision-making. By mobilizing this data and making it available through GBIF, the project seeks to improve the availability and quality of biodiversity information for use by researchers, policymakers, and the wider public. The project will also provide training to individuals from different organizations in data carpentry skills required for biodiversity data publication. Participants will learn how to organize and format data, create metadata, and use the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) to publish data in GBIF. Finally, the project will also work on publishing data from a new collection management system called PLADIAS-SK, which is being implemented. This will involve developing dataflows for publishing PLADIAS-SK data into DWC standard. To measure the impact of the project, several indicators will be used. First, the number of new data records mobilized and published in GBIF will be tracked, as well as the number of organizations that have contributed data. Second, the number of individuals trained in data carpentry and IPT use will be recorded, as well as the number of datasets published by these individuals.
Partner countries:Norway
EPI-CATCH - EPIgenetic mechanisms of Crop Adaptation To Climate cHange
Duration:17. 9. 2020 - 16. 9. 2024
Evidence number:COST CA19125
Project leader:Ing. Hricová Andrea, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:MVDr. Kačírová Jana, PhD., Ing. Szabóová Monika, PhD.
Annotation:The ultimate objective of this proposed COST action is to define, develop, generate and share new breaking knowledge and methodologies for the investigation of epigenetic mechanisms modulating plant adaptation to environmental stresses driven by climate change. So far, no international network has been created with the aim of standardizing methodology in plant epigenetics/epigenomics and better integrate these data with other “omic” approaches. EPI-CATCH will create a pan-European framework for networking in this under-investigated research field. This COST Action will use a unique cross-disciplinary approach that brings together industrial developers, molecular geneticists, molecular biologists, crop breeders, agronomists, plant pathologists, and bioinformaticians. EPI-CATCH will explore new frontiers on both innovative and translational research targeting the new challenges in plant epigenetics. Four main specific objectives will be addressed by four working groups : 1) update of the most recent findings in crop epigenomics related to climate change, 2) development of new concepts and approaches in crop epigenetics and epigenomics that can be transferable in other living organisms, 3) establishment of common standardized pipelines, methods and workflows for generation, analysis and interpretation of epigenetic/epigenomic data, 4) an intense output dissemination and training for early-career scientists. The methodologies, concepts and ideas developed by EPI-CATCH will assist stakeholders to develop future innovative technologies to enhance environmental sustainability of agriculture in a rapid climate change scenario.
Partner countries:Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom
Project website:|Name:overview


ELTtoEFDi - Evolutionary legacy of the Turkish flora and its influence on formation of the European plant diversity: Evidence from genome to ecology
Duration:1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2024
Evidence number:475542
Project leader:prof. RNDr. Marhold Karol, DrSc.
Partner countries:Turkey
Ex situ conservation of conifer tree species using in vitro cultures and cryopreservation techniques - in the frame of An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century
Duration:15. 10. 2019 - 14. 4. 2024
Evidence number:COST CA18201
Project leader:RNDr. Salaj Terézia, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:Mgr. Ihradská Veronika, Mgr. Klubicová Katarína, PhD., Mgr. Perniš Miroslav, PhD., doc. RNDr. Salaj Ján, DrSc.
Annotation:The overarching aim of this Action is to improve plant conservation in Europe through the establishment of a network of scientists and other stakeholders who deal with different aspects of plant conservation, from plant taxonomy, ecology, conservation genetics, conservation physiology and reproductive biology to protected area\'s managers.The aim of research group at IPGB PSBC SAS is the study of somatic embryogenesis, including initiation of the process, maturation as well as plantlet regeneration in Pinus nigra, Abies alba and Abies hybrids. The study will be focused on physiological, biochemical as well as structural aspects, important for understanding of the mechanism underlying somatic embryogenesis. For cryopreservation of embryogenic tissue the slow-freezing method, suitable for unorganised cell and tissue cultures, will be used.
Partner countries:Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Project website: